noob, multiple doubts

Ouch, "only when under pressure"? I thought vm *always* gave unused ram back to host...

In another different thing, I'm having problems with keyboard layout in the kvms... All vms are set to "default" regarding this setting, yet I cannot type for example # \ [ ], perhaps among other characters. The system I use to browse proxmox is a linux one and using firefox, and I'm sure the linux system has the keyboard locale correctly set because I can type normally on it, just not in the vms! Also, I'm sure I installed the vms with the correct keyboard locales/layouts, as well as the proxmox host itself.

Thanks again.
In another different thing, I'm having problems with keyboard layout in the kvms... All vms are set to "default" regarding this setting, yet I cannot type for example # \ [ ], perhaps among other characters. The system I use to browse proxmox is a linux one and using firefox, and I'm sure the linux system has the keyboard locale correctly set because I can type normally on it, just not in the vms! Also, I'm sure I installed the vms with the correct keyboard locales/layouts, as well as the proxmox host itself.
Could someone help with this issue? Thanks in advance.
In another different thing, I'm having problems with keyboard layout in the kvms... All vms are set to "default" regarding this setting, yet I cannot type for example # \ [ ], perhaps among other characters. The system I use to browse proxmox is a linux one and using firefox, and I'm sure the linux system has the keyboard locale correctly set because I can type normally on it, just not in the vms! Also, I'm sure I installed the vms with the correct keyboard locales/layouts, as well as the proxmox host itself.
what keyboard settings have your client, host and vm?
what do you have under datacenter -> options?

Client (where I run firefox) and vm have es-ES, just right, I just confirmed.
Proxmox host's localectl status has lang=en-US_UTF-8; and for the X system (or the like) es-ES, but I think the one making noise is the one en-US. i cannot change it since there are seemingly no other locales installed!! Why?
what do you have under Datacenter->options->Keyboard Layout
and VM->Hardware->Keyboard Layout?

Datacenter->options->Keyboard Layout: Spanish (es)
VM->Hardware->Keyboard Layout: "default"
proxmox node's localectl status:
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC keymap: n/a
X11 Layout: es
X11 model: pc105

And as already mentioned, I cannot change keyboard or locale since there are seemingly no other locales installed!
have you tried to set the vm -> hardware -> keyboard setting?