Node ACME Removal Error - "plugin 'Cloudflare for domain `node_fqdn` not found! (500)"


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019

I haven't been playing with my Proxmox homelab in some time. I fired them back up to try and do some work and noticed the TLS certs had expired for my WebUI. Previously I was using ACME DNS challenges with LetsEncrypt to configure my SSL/TLS certs. So I figured I would remove all of the configurations (certs, plugins, etc) on all of the nodes and try it again. On all but one of the nodes, I am able to remove the ACME plugin information. However on one node PROXMOX-PVE-00 I am not able. I get the following error -

plugin 'Cloudflare' for domain 'pve01.REDACTED.NET' not found! (500)

I found a similar thread here and I tried removing (with a backup) the plugins.cfg file and creating an empty option. That did not work either. I checked the output of the all of the /etc/pve/priv/acme/plugins.cfg files on all of the nodes and they are identical. Here is the output -

cat /etc/pve/priv/acme/plugins.cfg
standalone: standalone

Here is what my WebUI looks like now -


Here is the error in the webUI -


Any ideas on what I should try next? Any help would be appreciated.
Apologies for resurrecting an old dead thread but after some signfifcant time spent troubleshooting I found the solution. If someone find themselves in the same situation as myself. I was able to resolve this issue by simply deleting the config directory in the /etc/pve/nodes/%NODE_NAME%/ location. Then once that was removed, I was able to re-add the domains for DNS ACME validation and it worked without issue.