No cluster defined? LIES!


Sep 5, 2020
So.. what are those 5 nodes pretending to be part of?
Why does this "still" happen on cleanly installed clusters?
It has been happening ever since 7 was released..
One node down, all hell breaks loose.
Can't SSH to hosts because the login is hanging.
Webinterface wont log you in because the realm list is empty and and and...

This is not the only proxmox cluster where I've experienced this behaviour


But the cluster is up!


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I wonder what Happens if I click create cluster and go ahead with it... Smells like breakage!
Hi, check and post your Corysync-Log. Maybe it will bring some light what has happened.
Also having a cluster with even node-numbers can have "interesting" issues.
However as long as 4 nodes at minimum are online, there should be no problem.
Check that all production-repository-updates are installed.
the cluster info call is backed by '/api2/json/cluster/config/join' - that fails (looking at the browser dev console should give you an error message). the node list below is handled by a different API call ('/api2/json/cluster/config/nodes'), which doesn't seem to fail in your cluster.