No autorenewal for Let's encrypt certificate with DNS challenge plugin


Jan 14, 2020
A couple of months ago I've added Let's encrypt certificates to my cluster of PVE nodes. I've followed the documentation as far as I could and everything worked fine until a little less than 30 days ago.

I suddenly got an e-mail saying my certificates were up for renewal and noticed they weren't automatically being renewed. I renewed one to make sure I would maintain access and let the other sit as I wanted to see it play out.

Low and behold my certificate expired yesterday. pve-daily-update.service is somehow not updating my certificates of both my nodes. I've manually run pve-daily-update.service a couple of times, but any useful messages on /var/log/syslog about ACME or certificates are missing on both of them.

I've looked into /usr/bin/pveupdate (the script activated by pve-daily-update.service) and extracted the following into a separate script to test the workings of autorenewal. I've noticed the only way to exit without logging anything is when if ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) evaluates to false. So I've added

else {
syslog ('info', ' No ACME config found for node');

to see if it indeed evaluates to false


use strict;
use warnings;

use IO::File;
use File::Find;
use File::stat;

use PVE::CertHelpers;
use PVE::Certificate;
use PVE::NodeConfig;
use PVE::INotify;
use PVE::Cluster;
use PVE::APLInfo;
use PVE::SafeSyslog;
use PVE::RPCEnvironment;
use PVE::API2::Subscription;
use PVE::API2::APT;
use PVE::API2::ACME;

initlog ('acme-update', 'daemon');

die "please run as root\n" if $> != 0;

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin';


my $rpcenv = PVE::RPCEnvironment->init('cli');


my $nodename = PVE::INotify::nodename();

eval {

    my $node_config = PVE::NodeConfig::load_config($nodename);
    if ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) {
        my $cert = PVE::CertHelpers::cert_path_prefix($nodename).".pem";
        if (-e $cert) {
            if (PVE::Certificate::check_expiry($cert, time() + 30*24*60*60)) {
                my $r=`iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination`;
                PVE::API2::ACME->renew_certificate({ node => $nodename });
                $r=`iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination`;
            } else {
                syslog ('info', 'Custom certificate does not expire soon, skipping ACME renewal.');
        } else {
            syslog ('info', 'ACME config found for node, but no custom certificate exists. Skipping ACME renewal until initial certificate has been deployed.');
    else {
        syslog ('info', ' No ACME config found for node');
syslog ('err', "Renewing ACME certificate failed: $@") if $@;

exit (0);

Now when running this script I get my self-created message "No ACME config found for node" in the syslog. I'm assuming the script is running to see whether ACME is setup and otherwise skips this part. Somehow ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) is resolving to false in my setup. This is very strange since when working manually I can order certificates and everything looks to be working and set up correctly.

Does anyone have any clue on how to proceed debugging this issue? As mentioned I had to manually renew my other node as well. So clearly something is wrong with both my setups.
I've just done some more testing

pvenode config get --property acme

Returns empty.

I think this is why if ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) evaluates to false. This is due to me only using acme dns challenge. A HTTP challenge would go into acme. a DNS challenge goes into acmedomain0.

In my own script I've changed if ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) to if ($node_config && ($node_config->{acme} || $node_config->{acmedomain0}) and now it worked and pulled the certificate. However, changing /usr/bin/pveupdate would not persist after an update so I'm still looking for a solution

I've changed the ACME account to staging and tested with a complementing HTTP challenge ( instead of and now pveupdate also correctly triggers as if ($node_config && $node_config->{acme}) resolves to true.

I wouldn't use this with the actual acme API though. I'm afraid pve-daily-update.service will try to get the HTTP domain every day and trigger some limit. It would do this as the HTTP challenge can't be resolved due to my firewall
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I was just notified my certificate is going to expire soon again. Are the devs aware of this issue? Is it possible anyone can point them towards this thread or point me towards them?

It would be possible for me to open a PR for this issue, except I'm unaware where to send it.
this is fixed in pve-manager 6.2-12, which is available in all repos already.
Beat me to it, just noticed while running updates this was indeed fixed. Never got any reply from anyone (community or staff) and didn't see a fix in the first few updates that came along, so I just assumed I was screaming into the void

Many thanks for your reply though!


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