NGINX Proxy forwards to PVE's VM - VM does not response


Apr 6, 2021
I have a centralized NGINX Proxy Server running on a physical server that is set up to forward an FQ <> (http/https) request to a VM's IP/Port hosted inside of a PVE running on a different physical box. Both the Proxy Server and PVE are on the same n/w subnet.

The VM does not respond to webrequest when the request is forwarded by the proxy manager. However, it responds if I were to use the VM's internal IP address/Port in the browser.

The firewalls on DC, PVE and the Node are turned off. The Node's Network vmbr0's setting showed firewall on. I had turned it off - but, not joy.

Any suggestions on what I might be missing or doing wrong.

Thank you
I needed a coffee to kick myself. my unifi router's firewall has a rule to allow proxy traffice to only a select set of IP addresses. I simply needed to add my VM's IP in there.

Thanks everyone


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