NFS storage not available after upgrade to Proxmox 6


New Member
Jul 23, 2019
I recently upgraded my Proxmox to version 6 and noticed the NFS storage I use for backup would not connect anymore.

I can mount the NFS share from the command lineand access files on the share without any errors.
However, I noticed that showmount hangs when trying to get the exports list and reports an 'RPC: Timed out' error.

Do you have an idea of what I changed between proxmox 5.4 and 6 that could cause theses issues ?

Thanks in advance.

After a bit of wireshark I figured out that the NFS share I'm trying to mount is behind a NAT and thus portmap reports a wrong ip adress.
Explaining the timeout.

But this still does not explain why Proxmox 5.4 was fine with this mount and Proxmox 6 refuse to use it even if mount works fine.
The same situation with me.
On the end check NAS time, ProxMox srv time, ... and finally test to use dns name as NFS server. In DNS missing record for NAS and after adding this record both - new installed and upgraded proxmox start to work with the same configuration of Synology NFS share.
I can't explain that, but today virtual machines on both servers are backup-ed.

Best regards
Confirming the issue. I have the following setup:
NAS connected to the router, which forwards the incoming traffic to NAS. I connect to the router via DDNS (no static ip).
I have 2 servers: 1 running Proxmox 5 and one running Proxmox 6. Both ips of these servers are allowed to connect to NAS.
The Proxmox 5 server connects to NAS, while Proxmox 6 fails. Both are using the fresh Proxmox installs, no firewall settings.
Please help debug and adjust the settings on Proxmox 6.
Confirming the issue. I have the following setup:
NAS connected to the router, which forwards the incoming traffic to NAS. I connect to the router via DDNS (no static ip).
I have 2 servers: 1 running Proxmox 5 and one running Proxmox 6. Both ips of these servers are allowed to connect to NAS.
The Proxmox 5 server connects to NAS, while Proxmox 6 fails. Both are using the fresh Proxmox installs, no firewall settings.
Please help debug and adjust the settings on Proxmox 6.

Have you figured out what the issue was? I am still seeing this issue.
I also am seeing the same issue. I cannot get proxmox to connect to NFS:

root@pve-01:~# mount.nfs /mnt/temp -o 'vers=3' -vvv
mount.nfs: timeout set for Mon May 18 18:11:59 2020
mount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=3,addr='
mount.nfs: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs: prog 100005, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot UDP port 41163

Web UI just hangs. Windows 10 can connect to same export just fine.
Confirmed here when upgrading from to one version ealier to 6.2-4. Strange thing is that one of my NFS shares shared on Proxmox still works and the other one not.
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Same issue here. Anybody found a solution how to get NFS with NAT working?
I was ale to "hack" it to work. It seems that ( at lest in our case) mount works but what fails is detection if storage is online. I was able to bypass this by editing file /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ and replacing:

 my $cmd = ['/sbin/showmount', '--no-headers', '--exports', $server];


my $cmd = ['/usr/sbin/rpcinfo', $server];

And then restarting services pvestatd and pvedaemon

It seems that problem occurs when NFS share is behind NAT. Commands showmountand rpcinfo -p fails because they tries to connect to share local address not it public address. Using just rpcinfo solves this problem for us.