NFS Shares on shared network storage


Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
Chi City

I'm setting up a new proxmox server for myself (homelab). I am in the process of adding a synology share that I had setup on my old lab and i'm wondering which option(s) would I need or recommended to just give read access to my proxmox server in the Content drop down?

Thank you.
1 . From synology, you have to create read only NFS share and the use it in promox.
2. From promox side, you only need to add share from Datacenter -> Storage --> Add --> NFS
Thank you for confriming that. I was also wondering, for this option do any of these matter for this type of share?
Although its read-only, depends how you want to use it, if you are sharing iso images and backups from that read only share, then select "ISO image" and "VZDump backup file", this way will show those when you select that share.
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What are you trying to do?

If you want to use the synology to store backups and images, select those options. If you are trying to access files on the synology as a user (movies, documents, pictures, etc) then you want to connect to the synology through the container or VM that will use the files.
I'm setting up a ubuntu vm to run plex to access my shared videos on my synology. So far I am not having any luck with getting plex to see the synology folders.

1: Create a directory into your Synology for storing your Ubuntu linux so :
Mount NFS share into ProxMox to this storage with option all content

2: Create your VM Ubuntu and install Plex and on this VM mount a NFS point to your synology folder where is located your movie, photo, etc.. and setup this mount point into your plex install path location
I'm setting up a ubuntu vm to run plex to access my shared videos on my synology. So far I am not having any luck with getting plex to see the synology folders.
If you are doing a VM, and not an LXC, then you have to set up the share from the VM.

You do not need to set up the share in proxmox at all. Just look up a guide for connecting Ubuntu to a Synology share and do that in the VM.