NFS share working via CLI but times out on GUI


New Member
May 25, 2022
I use a synology to hold templates and isos, I added another server to my cluster and it is freaking out, I have got it to work normally by disabling the NFS share from a datacenter level.

In trying to figure out what is wrong I was testing via CLI and was able to see that I can write files, copy files and put files on the mnt via cp on the server [PVE3]

root@pve3:~# systemctl status
● - NFS client services
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active since Mon 2022-10-31 10:09:02 PDT; 5h 1min ago

Oct 31 10:09:02 pve3 systemd[1]: Reached target NFS client services.
root@pve3:~# cd /mnt/pve/
backup-syn-nfs/ Templates/     
root@pve3:~# cd /mnt/pve/Templates/
images/   #recycle/ template/
root@pve3:~# cd /mnt/pve/Templates/template/
cache/ iso/   
root@pve3:~# cd /mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso/
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# touch test.text
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# df -h
Filesystem                           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                                 9.8G     0  9.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                                2.0G  1.2M  2.0G   1% /run
/dev/mapper/pve-root                  68G  5.8G   59G   9% /
tmpfs                                9.8G   48M  9.8G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/fuse                            128M   36K  128M   1% /etc/pve
tmpfs                                2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /run/user/0   56T   23T   34T  41% /mnt/pve/Templates
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp test.text /
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# nano t
test.text                                  turnkey-bookstack-17.1-bullseye-amd64.iso 
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# nano t
test.text                                  turnkey-bookstack-17.1-bullseye-amd64.iso 
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# nano test.text
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /
bin/        dev/        home/       lib32/      libx32/     media/      opt/        root/       sbin/       sys/        tmp/        var/       
boot/       etc/        lib/        lib64/      lost+found/ mnt/        proc/       run/        srv/        test.text   usr/       
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/
backups/ cache/   lib/     local/   lock/    log/     mail/    opt/     run/     spool/   tmp/     
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/l
lib/   local/ lock/  log/   
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/
alternatives.log       daemon.log.1           kern.log.1             messages               pve-firewall.log.4.gz  user.log
apt/                   debug                  lastlog                messages.1             pve-firewall.log.5.gz  user.log.1
auth.log               debug.1                lxc/                   private/               pve-firewall.log.6.gz  vzdump/
auth.log.1             dpkg.log                   pve/                   pve-firewall.log.7.gz  wtmp
btmp                   faillog                  pveam.log              pveproxy/             
ceph/                  fontconfig.log         mail.log               pve-firewall.log       runit/                 
chrony/                glusterfs/             mail.log.1             pve-firewall.log.1     samba/                 
corosync/              journal/               mail.warn              pve-firewall.log.2.gz  syslog                 
daemon.log             kern.log               mail.warn.1            pve-firewall.log.3.gz  syslog.1               
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/pve
pve/                   pve-firewall.log       pve-firewall.log.2.gz  pve-firewall.log.4.gz  pve-firewall.log.6.gz  pveproxy/
pveam.log              pve-firewall.log.1     pve-firewall.log.3.gz  pve-firewall.log.5.gz  pve-firewall.log.7.gz 
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/pveam.log /mnt/pve/
backup-syn-nfs/ Templates/     
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/pveam.log /mnt/pve/Templates/
images/   #recycle/ template/
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/pveam.log /mnt/pve/Templates/template/
cache/ iso/   
root@pve3:/mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso# cp /var/log/pveam.log /mnt/pve/Templates/template/iso/


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I have also disabled the firewall on the syngology without any success

It only seems to be an issue on PVE3...


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