Hey everyone,
I was super excited to setup proxmox & got it spun up with a ubuntu vm & pihole deployment. I was following a Network Chuck guide where it advised to remove local-lvm to get more space (after I setup a VM already).
Now when I run my backups I get errors as below. I tried modifying the /etc/pve/storage.cfg and messing with it but cannot seem to figure out where the LVM is being referenced to remove it completely. I have not restarted the server yet either.

^this is my current config (The original didn't reference vgname or nodes)

INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --storage local --remove 0 --mode snapshot --compress zstd --node ProxMox --notes-template '{{guestname}}'
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2022-11-27 10:10:34
INFO: status = running
INFO: VM Name: Ubunutu-Svr
INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-0' 30G
ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - storage 'local-lvm' does not exist
INFO: Failed at 2022-11-27 10:10:34
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors
What am I missing?
I was super excited to setup proxmox & got it spun up with a ubuntu vm & pihole deployment. I was following a Network Chuck guide where it advised to remove local-lvm to get more space (after I setup a VM already).
Now when I run my backups I get errors as below. I tried modifying the /etc/pve/storage.cfg and messing with it but cannot seem to figure out where the LVM is being referenced to remove it completely. I have not restarted the server yet either.

^this is my current config (The original didn't reference vgname or nodes)

INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --storage local --remove 0 --mode snapshot --compress zstd --node ProxMox --notes-template '{{guestname}}'
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (qemu)
INFO: Backup started at 2022-11-27 10:10:34
INFO: status = running
INFO: VM Name: Ubunutu-Svr
INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'local-lvm:vm-100-disk-0' 30G
ERROR: Backup of VM 100 failed - storage 'local-lvm' does not exist
INFO: Failed at 2022-11-27 10:10:34
INFO: Backup job finished with errors
TASK ERROR: job errors
What am I missing?