New Subscription Model

I've worked for the past 17 years with people from India to Brazil to Russia and everywhere in between. Seriously, I'm actually laughing as I type this in that someone would be "informing" me of these cultural differences. I make my living working with people from around the globe.

If they (Proxmox staff) want to do business outside of THEIR own cultural little world beyond the scope that they have been already doing, then yes ... I do expect THEM to be culturally aware of how the business world runs.

Lastly, I know the difference between someone being frank vs recalcitrance and rudeness. If I spoke (or wrote) to a prospective customer in that manner, I would be out of a job (or very close to being so).

This is a forum about configuration and installation of Proxmox VE.

Please respect the forum rules, your posts are not related to the topic.
I want to install Proxmox 3.1
I can't understand how to subscribe my installation.
Show me, please, a forum with licensing discussions.
Just look at the pricing at

It's 1 subscription you need.

@dietmar: It might be better to write "Socket" instead of "CPU" in the pricing plan and the subscription agreement, since people (both customers and salespersons) always get confused about Socket, CPU, Core and HT. "Socket" is the only clear physical (and easy countable) statement that can hardly be misinterpreted.

Best regards,

Well, but I think they mean INSTALLED CPU, so if you have a MB with 2 sockets and only ONE cpu, you pay for one (we had to do so since for our depressed country 2 nodes x 2 CPU assistance was too expensive, so we installed only one cpu per node, sigh. In my country (Italy) pay for assistance is becoming something you can not ask for in IT, and this is really a bad thing).
Guys, looks like we are violating some forum rules. Please, stop our discussion, until moderators point us to the right place.
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Russell Shaffer
Your attitude is completely wrong. There are a lot of people (inc. myself) that like direct and honest conversations instead of fawning sellers, that will sell and most terrible say you BS and keep smiling.
Now would it be better for you if these guys (proxmox staff) here would create typical accounts and answer community questions with same attitude? We are on community forum, where everyone incl. company representatives can speak/write or show emotions like typical human would be. There is Russian saying: "Everyone is equal in eatery, bathhouses and toilets". I treat forums the same way.