Hi everyone, quite exhausted at this point. I have a 2018 Macbook pro laying around collecting dust. And no one will buy it from me, considering what a crappy machine it is by today's standard. It has 32GB RAM, a radeon Graphics card and a 2.9 gigahertz processor.
I figure this would be a great candidate for virtualization host, but so far nothing has installed successfully in this machine apart from proxmox. However, since the intallation completed I have not been able to access the GUI using the Ip displayed on the screen. what I check the
And when I do ip addr i get:
I am also attaching screenshot of both files: Your help is appreciated:
I figure this would be a great candidate for virtualization host, but so far nothing has installed successfully in this machine apart from proxmox. However, since the intallation completed I have not been able to access the GUI using the Ip displayed on the screen. what I check the
everything looks quite normal. the NIC card state says UP which leaves me confused, Please help me get this up up and running as it should, I know mac hardware is not officially supported, but I am hoping for some miracle to get this guy working, The file at /etc/network/interfaces has the following configuration:
auto 10
Iface 1o inet 1oopback
iface enx00e04c684371 inet manual
auto vmbro
Iface umbro inet static
bridge-ports enx00e04c684371
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd o
Iface enxaocec8e3e039 Inet manual
And when I do ip addr i get:
1: lo: <LOOPBACK, UP ,LOWER_UP› mtu 65536 qdisc naqueue state UNKNOHN group default qien 1000
Hink/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host 10
valid_Ift forever preferred_Ift forever
inet6 #*1/128 scope host
valid_Ift forever preferred_Ift forever
2: enx00e04c684371: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_up>mtu1500qdiscpfifo_faststateUPgroupdefaultqien1000
Link/ether 00:e0:4c:68:43:71 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Inet6 feBo:=2e0:4cff:fe6B:4371/64 scope link
valid_Ift forever preferred_Ift forever
I am also attaching screenshot of both files: Your help is appreciated: