Nested ESXi on Proxmox networking issues


New Member
May 25, 2024
Hey all,

Have been using proxmox for a long time but recently have started trying to setup a lab for Veeam to continue learning. I just have a single proxmox host with a single bridge network connection, no VLANs, it's pretty basic network. I've got a Veeam VM running, and a nested Hyper-V server running and they are working fine. I've tried to add an ESXi 7 VM into this mix and got it all working, from my PC, laptop etc. I can access it and use it perfectly. The problem is that certain VMs on my proxmox server can not reach the ESXi host via ping, web interface, ssh etc. There's a problem with the routing here somewhere and it's a bit beyond my current networking abilities to work out what needs to change.

I need to work out what to change so that my Veeam server can reach the ESXi server so I can do further testing and learning. Does anyone have any suggestions please? Thanks.
Hi to all
i was trying to solve than mystery.What i had tried
1-change esxi vswitch promisious mode to enabled
2-disabled Proxmox Firewall
3-Enabled and disabled proxmox Vmbr0 vlan tagigin ON and OFF
4-Changed esxi network adapter E1000 and vmxnet

none worked

Than found this thread

And then
used tcpdump in Proxmox , (tcpdump -i vmbr0 icmp) and i see that my esxi can reach to PRoxmox host ,so solution found
I shutdown ESXi ,and changed the MAC ADDRESS ,and started
it is there, now i can ping :)

appreciate this forum, you can learn so much from here
great stuff