I've created a VMware ESXi guest in PVE and cloned it twice to create a 3-node ESXi cluster on a single PVE host system. (Intel Core i7-7700K [4 cores @ 4.20GHz] with 64 GB of RAM)
I've added an Ubuntu "helper" VM to test network connectivity inside of PVE...
Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada
I've added an Ubuntu "helper" VM to test network connectivity inside of PVE...
- The ESXi Host Client interface of all three VM's are accessible from the browser installed on my desktop.
- I was able to use the vCSA installer via my desktop and successfully install the VMware vSphere Client Server Appliance (vCSA) on the first ESXi guest.
- The VMware Appliance Management Interface (i.e., vAMI) and the vSphere client are both accessible from my desktop.
- Each of the ESXi hosts respond somewhat unreliably to ping requests from my desktop.
- The Ubuntu "helper" VM that I've installed can ping all four addresses! i.e., The helper can ping each of the ESXi hosts and the vCSA!
- But NONE of the ESXi hosts are able to ping each other!
- But none of the ESXi host systems are able to ping each other.
- And when I try to add ESXi hosts to the vCSA: I'm only able to add the ESXi host that currently hosts the vCSA. i.e., The vCSA is unable to reach the other two ESXi hosts!
Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada
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