need to Change hostname for nodes in proxmox cluster


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2020

Can anyone advise on how to change the hostname of nodes in a proxmox cluster? We have tried to change it by editing the below files but it is not working.
  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/hostname

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Can anyone advise on how to change the hostname of nodes in a proxmox cluster?
Dont. just dont.

What you can do, if you REALLY must, is to evict nodes one by one, reinstall (do NOT skip this part), and read. see

yes, you can follow the link in that link but even they don't recommend doing it. screwing up here can lead to data corruption.
yes, you can follow the link in that link but even they don't recommend doing it. screwing up here can lead to data corruption.
I've done it successfully in our lab a few times. That said, if someone manages to do it incorrectly and cause some sort of cluster wide issue - it wouldnt surprise me.

PS if this was a production cluster and I had to do this, I would build a virtual cluster matching the config and try there. Perfect use for a cluster of hypervisors :)

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