Need some Help with a Ip problem.

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No joy on Centos-5-minimal

I too have had no luck with the Centos-5-minimal on either ssh or via direct attepts using the build in vnc or console tab.
The Centos 5 minimal template does not work right out of the box. For some reason it does not create the need files in dev. I think it has something to do with debian. The reason I say that is the centos 5 minimal template works fine on my openvz server built with centos 5, but it does not work on any openzv server that I have built with debian.

You can try the instructions from openvz: but to be honest I did not have much luck with it. Instead my solution was to create a vs using the centos 5 default template (which for some reason works just fine). I then removed all packages that I did not want and created a new centos 5 template from this.
Can you post that template? solution was to create a vs using the centos 5 default template (which for some reason works just fine). I then removed all packages that I did not want and created a new centos 5 template from this.
Can you post that template. I wanted to do something similar, but not familiar enough to know what was okay to take out and what should have been left in. Also would like to learn how to make my own, but I've been enjoying the lazy ride of using these others.
how to make templates...

I've been using that, but it is based on starting with an already built machine and making mods and then saving the modified versions. I am curious how to make one from scratch.
You can't actual make a template from scratch on proxmox as it does not have the all the tools needed for creating templates installed. You could try to install them if you want. I choose not to since most of my templates are just modified versions of a base template. I do not mess with setting up any metadata or anything like that. I did try once, but I was unsuccessful 70% of the time. I just do not understand enough about creating templates using the metadata. If you are interested here is the openvz wiki page on templates: