Need advise on updating HP Proliant Gen7 and earler Bios, Firmware and ILO

Sorry to hijack this thread. I recently aquired a HP Proliant DL380 Gen7 that needs updating. Its been collecting dust for almost 10 years lol.
Anyways was wondering if anyone can share the last Service Pack ISO with me as its behind HP's paywall. Would be much appreciated
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i pass 2 days just to update bios on a gen8. 7 is quite same. Basically ; unplug all hdd, unplug batt, boot, plug batt again, reboot, reset factory. then boot with keyboardmouse only and boot over usb live win pve. then install the old spp. installing last spp will not help, start with the old near the 1yr time of the bios. then update to newert after. long process hard to find,but work.
@lynuxxdreamzzz : I just created an account on the forum to say : "Thank you so much!"

If it can help, I also manage to connect to my dl380g7 by using the "old" windows remote console app "iLO Integrated REmote Console version" here :

N.B: in case the link above couldn't be posted because it points to an *.exe file, go to the hp website ( and then search for "HPE Lights-Out Standalone Remote Console for Windows". The first link should work. Take care you also have to get an activation key to get it to work upper than a few minutes. This activation key can be provide into the web interface, but if you want to find an activation key, just have a look into the internet, a basic google search should give you the key;)

Then you have to activate the remote access to avoid beeing constantly disconnected from your server console. To do that, open a web browser that doesn't prevent you from using TLS 1.0 or 1.1 (so NONE of the modern browser let you access iLO web interface, you generaly will get a SSL Cypher certificate issue). I personaly use falkon browser but a firefox version previous from 97 should also work.

Once connected to iLO, go to Administration > licensing and enter your activation key. Now you will be able to use the windows remote app without beeing logout constantly.

I also want to say I'm really desappointed by HP lacks of support for such basic stuff :) when you buy a server, remote access software had to be included natively, and for every platform/OS. The TLS issue + .NET framework not working + java error made me lost 2 days o_O:mad:
i pass 2 days just to update bios on a gen8. 7 is quite same. Basically ; unplug all hdd, unplug batt, boot, plug batt again, reboot, reset factory. then boot with keyboardmouse only and boot over usb live win pve. then install the old spp. installing last spp will not help, start with the old near the 1yr time of the bios. then update to newert after. long process hard to find,but work.
Huh? If you just want to update the BIOS, there are freely downloadable ROMPaqs for G7 (SP99328) and G8 (SP99438) servers, and installing them just involves creating a USB stick on a Windows PC and plugging it in, with default settings the stick autoboots, go on and flash (and after the power cycle change the current ROM to Backup in the Setup and flash that too).
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You don't need any usb stick and Windows. On hp website there are available rpm packages for Red Hat with online flash utils included. I used them from Proxmox on DL380 G6 and G7.