multiple relays


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2013
Hello, it seems that relaying the mails via round robin to multiple servers (exchange cluster) is not possible at the moment?
Depends - you can do that with DNS records:
pick a name in your domain (
add each exchange's IP as A record to
-> relay mails to

I hope this helps!
Dns round robin: I could try.. but we use internal ips. It is still possible though. But i dont know how good it works if a node goes down. maybe we user the loadbalancer for this. Mailcleaner had the option to do this. But anyway we will try a different approach.
So it would be the default relay ? And if we want to user extern Mailservers on local sites we go with transports right?
But i dont know how good it works if a node goes down.
In my experience DNS round robin works quite well in the SMTP case - I would suggest you try it :)
And if we want to user extern Mailservers on local sites we go with transports right?
Not quite sure if I understand the question completely - if not please explain some more
but you use transports to override the 'default relay' for certain relay domains.
so if you set your default relay to, and have 2 domains '' and '' configured as relay domains:
* if you create a transport entry for pointing to - mails for would get sent to
* mails to would get sent to (since it's the default relay)

I hope this explains it!