Monitoring Resource Usage


Jan 8, 2021

I have Proxmox installed on a remote dedicated server. Currently I am using it for personal/testing purposes. I have deployed VM's to friends to test and want to make sure that they aren't overutilizing allocated resources.

Is there a way to set set thresholds on VM's resources, i.e. (Memory, CPU, Diskspace) for the purpose of sending email alerts to me? This way I do not have to continually log in to check each VM.

I appreciate the input!


Robert LaRose
icinga2, zabbix, grafana, munin, there are many monitoring solutions that can send mails.

just set hard limits, every vm can be restricted for cpu, ram, disk io, nic bandwith.
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Thank you for your response. I have the resources limited manually for the VM's. I was hoping to be able to set thresholds to trigger an email alert. I have configured zabbix before but find that it's use is better suited for clusters. It's not too big a deal... just wanted to see if there was a simple solution via the GUI. Still learning Proxmox...

Thank you for your response. I have the resources limited manually for the VM's. I was hoping to be able to set thresholds to trigger an email alert. I have configured zabbix before but find that it's use is better suited for clusters. It's not too big a deal... just wanted to see if there was a simple solution via the GUI. Still learning Proxmox...

There is nothing built in to proxmox for alerts.

But proxmox supports export to influxdb and graphite databases.
Pretty sad this still needs to be managed by an external program rather than something within Proxmox that will collect and show resource usages quite happily in the GUI - but only if you go look for it.
Pretty sad this still needs to be managed by an external program
Is it?

Let PVE do its chosen job - it does this well! And use well established monitoring tools do their job too. Unix has had the philosophy "one problem --> one tool" / "do one thing, and do it well". And while this is not true for all tools nowadays (systemd + zfs don't obey) it stays valid. It is definitely better than reinventing the wheel again and gain - which just implements the well know NIH-syndrom (Not-Invented-Here), some large companies suffer from.

Influxdb/Grafana, Zabbix, Prometheus, checkmk, LibreNMS, and so on and so on. Look at them - you'll find something that does the job better than a quickly integrated "only PVE" monitoring tool.

Just my two €¢ on a Sunday evening...
I see what you're saying about the unix philosophy. Given how much Proxmox team likes systemd though I'm not sure they hold to that. Lol.

I just felt like Proxmox has the information needed (stats) and capability (send an email) already right there.