I need to migrate from OpenNebula to Proxmox VE. Given that they both use KVM in the back, it should be pretty easy. Even if we have to recreate the VMs, that shouldn’t be too big of a deal. The problem is that the disks (.qcow2 or .raw, depending on how old is the machine created) are encrypted and we have no idea how to decrypt them in order to recreate the VMs on a Proxmox VE server. We know which encrypted disk is associated with which VM, the problem is that we can’t recreate them in Proxmox VS (for example, the VM DBS-22 has the disks “DBS-22-os.raw” -> 9f36f2a95b2f930727b503ecccdb6a29 and “DBS-22-data1.raw” -> 558f8cedebc39ce11f7d22b9fa111b1c on the storage server Cube07 : the encrypted or hashed string is what we are seeing on the Cube storage, while the name appears in template in OpenNebula).
Has anyone migrated from OpenNebula to any other platform before and has gone through similar stuff? Does anybody have any idea how to add the disks in other Hypervisor without decrypting them?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
I need to migrate from OpenNebula to Proxmox VE. Given that they both use KVM in the back, it should be pretty easy. Even if we have to recreate the VMs, that shouldn’t be too big of a deal. The problem is that the disks (.qcow2 or .raw, depending on how old is the machine created) are encrypted and we have no idea how to decrypt them in order to recreate the VMs on a Proxmox VE server. We know which encrypted disk is associated with which VM, the problem is that we can’t recreate them in Proxmox VS (for example, the VM DBS-22 has the disks “DBS-22-os.raw” -> 9f36f2a95b2f930727b503ecccdb6a29 and “DBS-22-data1.raw” -> 558f8cedebc39ce11f7d22b9fa111b1c on the storage server Cube07 : the encrypted or hashed string is what we are seeing on the Cube storage, while the name appears in template in OpenNebula).
Has anyone migrated from OpenNebula to any other platform before and has gone through similar stuff? Does anybody have any idea how to add the disks in other Hypervisor without decrypting them?
Your help is greatly appreciated.