I have an issue were the host I am migrating to has ZFS on it instead of EXT4 and the VM was build using LVM.
020-03-09 18:50:19 starting migration of VM 132 to node 'host10' (xxx.xxx.xxx.21)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 found local disk 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-1' (via storage)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 found local disk 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2' (via storage)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 copying disk images
Debian GNU/Linux 9
Volume group "pve" not found
Cannot process volume group pve <<<< THis is the problem
command '/sbin/lvs --separator : --noheadings --units b --unbuffered --nosuffix --options vg_name,lv_name,lv_size,lv_attr,pool_lv,data_percent,metadata_percent,snap_percent,uuid,tags,metadata_size pve' failed: exit code 5
command 'dd 'if=/dev/pve/vm-132-disk-2' 'bs=64k'' failed: got signal 13
send/receive failed, cleaning up snapshot(s)..
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: Failed to sync data - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0 | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=sc4-devops-qa-prxmx-host10' root@ -- pvesm import local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0' failed: exit code 5
2020-03-09 18:50:20 aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: found stale volume copy 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2' on node 'host10'
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:02): Failed to sync data - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0 | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=sc4-devops-qa-prxmx-host10' root@XXX.XXX.XXX.21 -- pvesm import local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0' failed: exit code 5
TASK ERROR: migration aborted
the destination host is ZFS. so how can I do this without have to rebuild the node again.
020-03-09 18:50:19 starting migration of VM 132 to node 'host10' (xxx.xxx.xxx.21)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 found local disk 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-1' (via storage)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 found local disk 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2' (via storage)
2020-03-09 18:50:19 copying disk images
Debian GNU/Linux 9
Volume group "pve" not found
Cannot process volume group pve <<<< THis is the problem
command '/sbin/lvs --separator : --noheadings --units b --unbuffered --nosuffix --options vg_name,lv_name,lv_size,lv_attr,pool_lv,data_percent,metadata_percent,snap_percent,uuid,tags,metadata_size pve' failed: exit code 5
command 'dd 'if=/dev/pve/vm-132-disk-2' 'bs=64k'' failed: got signal 13
send/receive failed, cleaning up snapshot(s)..
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: Failed to sync data - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0 | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=sc4-devops-qa-prxmx-host10' root@ -- pvesm import local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0' failed: exit code 5
2020-03-09 18:50:20 aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: found stale volume copy 'local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2' on node 'host10'
2020-03-09 18:50:20 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:02): Failed to sync data - command 'set -o pipefail && pvesm export local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0 | /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=sc4-devops-qa-prxmx-host10' root@XXX.XXX.XXX.21 -- pvesm import local-lvm:vm-132-disk-2 raw+size - -with-snapshots 0' failed: exit code 5
TASK ERROR: migration aborted
the destination host is ZFS. so how can I do this without have to rebuild the node again.
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