[SOLVED] Mail reject


Jul 12, 2021
Hi guys.
Recently, a customer emailed me and had an issue like below
I have added the domain to whitelist. but I don't understand how this error occurs
Some emails coming from the domain still pass.
Example: ThaiNX3@fpt.com.vn
Someone please help me
I'm using mdeamon. i turn off authentication SPF in Mdeamon.
Thanks All.
Aug 10 23:59:49 gateway postfix/smtpd[6937]: connect from bulkmail.fpt.net[]
Aug 10 23:59:49 gateway postfix/smtpd[6937]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from bulkmail.fpt.net[]: 554 5.7.1 <kythuat@vdo.vn>: Recipient address rejected: Rejected by SPF: is not a designated mailserver for fti.idchn.ticket%40fpt.com.vn (context mfrom, on gateway.vdo.vn); from=<fti.idchn.ticket@fpt.com.vn> to=<kythuat@vdo.vn> proto=ESMTP helo=<bulkmail.fpt.net>
Aug 10 23:59:49 gateway postfix/smtpd[6937]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from bulkmail.fpt.net[]: 554 5.7.1 <thiennv@vdo.vn>: Recipient address rejected: Rejected by SPF: is not a designated mailserver for fti.idchn.ticket%40fpt.com.vn (context mfrom, on gateway.vdo.vn); from=<fti.idchn.ticket@fpt.com.vn> to=<thiennv@vdo.vn> proto=ESMTP helo=<bulkmail.fpt.net>
Aug 10 23:59:49 gateway postfix/smtpd[6937]: disconnect from bulkmail.fpt.net[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/2 data=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=6/9
The error message is explaining it:
Rejected by SPF: is not a designated mailserver for fti.idchn.ticket%40fpt.com.vn

fpt.com.vn has a problem with their SPF record (if they want to send from they need to include it in the SPF record)
-> This is something the mailadmin of fpt.com.vn needs to fix

If you want to whitelist them for SPF checks - you need to add them to the mailproxy whitelist (GUI->Administration->Mail Proxy->Whitelist)

see also:

(you could also disable the SPF checks on Mail Proxy level GUI->Administration->Mail Proxy->Options)

I hope this helps!
The error message is explaining it:

fpt.com.vn has a problem with their SPF record (if they want to send from they need to include it in the SPF record)
-> This is something the mailadmin of fpt.com.vn needs to fix

If you want to whitelist them for SPF checks - you need to add them to the mailproxy whitelist (GUI->Administration->Mail Proxy->Whitelist)

see also:

(you could also disable the SPF checks on Mail Proxy level GUI->Administration->Mail Proxy->Options)

I hope this helps!
Thanks @Stoiko Ivanov ...
I will try add domain to whitelist.
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