[SOLVED] LXC IPv6 Problem


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2015

I updated one Server (at OVH) to Proxmox 4.2. I make a new install with ovh template. IPv6 on Host side works but in lxc vm not. Here my config:

iface vmbr0 inet6 static
address x:x:x:x::
netmask 64
post-up /sbin/ip -f inet6 route add x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev vmbr0
post-up /sbin/ip -f inet6 route add default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff
pre-down /sbin/ip -f inet6 route del default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff
pre-down /sbin/ip -f inet6 route del x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev vmbr0

iface eth0 inet6 static
address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:110
netmask 64
post-up ip route add x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
post-up ip route add default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
pre-down ip route del default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
pre-down ip route del x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0

The VM was migrated from openvz as discribed in the tutorial. Interface config has no more entries.

Has anyone an idea why i have this Problem?


I followed this article but it doesn't work. I also disabled the firewall.

Ping from host to google works.
Ping from vm to host works.

Ping from host to vm didn't work.
Ping from vm to google didn't work:
PING google.de(par10s22-in-x03.1e100.net) 56 data bytes
From par10s22-in-x03.1e100.net icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Beyond scope of source address
I could solve the problem. It was an vm which I migrated from openvz. It looks like the interface config wasen't correct. There were old entries from openvz. Removing this didn't do the trick. So I removed the interfaces config and added network config via webgui again. Now it is working. So i think the problem comes from the old openvz network config.
Hi Ovidiu,

I could fix it this way:

1. Stop VM
2. Delete VM network interfaces via webgui
3. Start VM
4. Clear /etc/network/interfaces
5. Stop VM
6. Add VM network interfaces via webgui
- MAC: generate a new mac for your failover ip in ovh customer interface and copy this here
- IPv4: Failover-IP/32
- GWv4: Host-IP and replace the last octet with 254
- IPv6: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:110/64 (110 is only an example)
- GWv6: x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- for more details see https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/OVH
7. Start VM

My config looks like described above. Consider it is for ovh systems.

iface vmbr0 inet6 static
address x:x:x:x::
netmask 64
post-up /sbin/ip -f inet6 route add x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev vmbr0
post-up /sbin/ip -f inet6 route add default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff
pre-down /sbin/ip -f inet6 route del default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff
pre-down /sbin/ip -f inet6 route del x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev vmbr0

iface eth0 inet6 static
address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:110
netmask 64
post-up ip route add x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
post-up ip route add default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
pre-down ip route del default via x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0
pre-down ip route del x:x:x:xff:ff:ff:ff:ff dev eth0

I hope I could help you. Otherwise you can write me.


@BJ78945 thanks for the tips but its not working for me. I'll send you a PM just now. You have no idea how long I have been struggling to get IPV6 going. See my whole thread: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/how-to-completely-disable-ipv6-on-the-hypervisor-proxmox-4.24761/
The main difference I see is that you actually DO INPUT the GW6 in the proxmox GUI.

My current problem is I cannot save after editing my LXC networking conf via the GUI, I get:

Parameter verification failed. (400)

net0: invalid format - format error net0.ip6: invalid format - value does not look like a valid ipv6 network configuration
and the IPV6 format I tried is: 2001:41d0:2:7XXX:0:0:0:2/128 or 2001:41d0:2:7XXX::2/128
Just to add some more info:
after following all this advice, things are still not working. What made it work was one comment found here:
You may be able to ping the gateway but can not use your ipv6, in this case add a default route:

route -A inet6 add default gw votre.gateway.ipv6 dev eth0

I'm wondering why this is necessary, shouldn't this be handled by the Proxmox GUI or am I missing something else here? This worked for my LXC not sure about Proxmox itself.