LXC change VM ID


Active Member
Mar 3, 2017
Hello, i need to move some LXC vm between hosts but the destination host have already some vm with same IDs..... somebody know how to change the lxc vm ids ?
via Backup/Restore.
hello, i tried to move the vm 107 to different host, but the ID 107 do not change..... how to do ?
you have to do a backup of your container, then transfer the vzdump-lxc-* file to the new host, and there you have to restore it under a different id
try under the storage -> content -> backup file
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I know it's an old topic but this could help someone :

EXAMPLE : rename an LXC container from 100 to 101
1- Be sure there are NO VM with the target id (here 101)
2- Please be CARREFUL, be sure you know what you are doing and check every line and name that it is correct (do not use the names in my example)
3- Stop the container
4- Open host shell
5- Rename the disks :
zfs rename tank/subvol-100-disk-0 tank/subvol-101-disk-0
and so on for each disk
6- Edit the configuration file in /etc/pve/lxc/100.conf to correct the disks names (eg 100 to 101)
7- Rename the configuration file :
mv /etc/pve/lxc/100.conf /etc/pve/lxc/101.conf
8- Go to the web UI, the change should be seen soon

Tested on PVE 5.4
Also consider that I have not tested with a VM that has snapshots for replication, but I GUESS it only needs to rename the disks AND snapshots on all the nodes involved, then edit the configuration file in /etc/pve/replication.cfg.
For future reference, Benoît's guide still works with PVE 8.1. One minor addition as I experienced this myself:

6a. If existing, move the relevant firewall config file too:
mv /etc/pve/firewall/100.fw /etc/pve/firewall/101.fw

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What if I have ext4 fs, how to rename disks?

lvrename pve vm-100-disk-0 vm-101-disk-0
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