INFO: starting new backup job: vzdump 100 --mailnotification always --mailto --quiet 1 --storage local --compress lzo --mode suspend
INFO: Starting Backup of VM 100 (lxc)
INFO: status = running
INFO: backup mode: suspend
INFO: ionice priority: 7
INFO: CT Name: sambaserver
INFO: starting first sync /proc/2916/root// to /mnt/vztmp/vzdumptmp29573
INFO: Number of files: 126,697 (reg: 112,593, dir: 10,605, link: 3,464, dev: 2, special: 33)
INFO: Number of created files: 126,696 (reg: 112,593, dir: 10,604, link: 3,464, dev: 2, special: 33)
INFO: Number of deleted files: 0
INFO: Number of regular files transferred: 112,586
INFO: Total file size: 98,200,070,529 bytes
INFO: Total transferred file size: 98,199,810,113 bytes
INFO: Literal data: 98,199,810,113 bytes
INFO: Matched data: 0 bytes
INFO: File list size: 5,963,276
INFO: File list generation time: 0.020 seconds
INFO: File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
INFO: Total bytes sent: 98,232,382,306
INFO: Total bytes received: 2,229,895
INFO: sent 98,232,382,306 bytes received 2,229,895 bytes 25,672,184.03 bytes/sec
INFO: total size is 98,200,070,529 speedup is 1.00
INFO: first sync finished (3826 seconds)
INFO: suspend vm
INFO: starting final sync /proc/2916/root// to /mnt/vztmp/vzdumptmp29573