Log in to GUI

Keith Miller

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
I am able to login to the command line no problem,
but the GUI is not taking what I believe is the password, how can I reset the GUI password

but the GUI is not taking what I believe is the password, how can I reset the GUI password
Do you mean the root password?
If yes you must do it on the shell with the 'passwd' program.
at the GUI prompt I enter root for user name and then the password I believe is correct that it is now taking

how do I access this "Passwd" program

They mean you shell in. You can SSH. Say your PVE IP is

ssh root@

Run passwd in this shell.
I believe that changes the password for the shell, I need to know howto change the password for the GUI or is root and the new password used in both places
We don't know what login you are trying to use with GUI. Let's assume it is root.


If you can SSH in as root then you can login to the web console.

Hope this helps.
I used root as the user name to login to the GUI, it's that password it is not excepting

Is there a login service that may not be running for some reason

I performed s systemctl status pveproxy and got this out put
it is running
pveproxy [1200] dhparams schmorp1539: failed to set DH parameters at /usr/share/per15/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 622

I also inserted a buster main and buster-updates into the sources.list file, which I think are causing me the login issue.
ow to I unistall those updates if in deed that is the problem. can you supply the steps to uninstall the unstable updates and get the system going again, my sites are up, but can't login to GUI
does that help anyone help me
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hi Guys im new here but i had the same problem only i had to do
just on the log in screen choose in the REALM line option
Linux PAM standard authentication
second choice not the
Proxmox Backup authentication server
it works for me