local socket programming wich port to open and where?


New Member
Jan 4, 2024
Hey ive been writing a script in python, the purpose at the moment is a communicate Between Client and Server.
I wrote a script for both sites, the Server gets a API key (in this moment its still a var (API_KEY) on both sites).

Im only and really only a programmer, i have to admit i didnt listen enough in the networking lessons and now i need to pay for it... so im askin here.
The script gets the local IPv4 address of the user running the who's code and adds the predefined portnumber on it. Right now we opened zero ports (i think). The port i entered for the first testcase were 22, it didnt work and after i thought a little it made sense to me. When no port is opened, no one can communicate.
So i want to know wich port i need to open and where.
Thats the errorcode i get from the shell, and its obv to me that the reason wich keeps the client away to connect are the ports.

Were using PROXMOXVE, in our WebUI Datacenter we got something called 'pve'. There also some vm's (mail, git, dms, com, main)and one container (cms) attached under the 'pve' thing.
So where do i open the port for the local IP? I dont want to open a connection into the internet, just for my testcase in our local network.
Where and wich port is the smartest to use?

I really really hope my description in helpful and enough to demand a good answer. If its not the case ask me.

Greetings y'all
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Woops i accidently postet it, so i gonna post the error code here:

ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I also thought at first that the Server denies the connection because of the API key, but how i said the key from Server and client is the same.