the source code of the enterprise updates needs to be made available to all users on a publicly accessible network server without restriction
See All packages in enterprise are already available in the respective
repos, as is all of their source code, nothing gets withheld...
To the best of my knowledge, PVE is release and made available as a production-ready product. In other words, if a user is required to pay a subscription fee in order for the software to be considered production-capable, but the user cannot use the software as production-capable without subscription to gain access to these software updates that are integral to the system, that's a violation of the license. the availability of the product and all code updates need to be accessible whether the user accepts the license or not and whether they pay or not.
Proxmox VE is released under the AGPLv3, as an avid license reader you surely know the part that states:
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Hope that helps.
And fwiw, you're free to write to the EFF or whatever, but I think they got better things to do and fight for than a bogus complaint about AGPLv3 software and production readiness, as all the code of the binary packages we provide is released 100%, we even don't have some reduced open core or similar limitation, which is made possible through the enterprise support subscriptions.
Besides that,
if we hypothetically would have some super-duper secret special packages for the enterprise repository, and we do
not, you would only be eligible to the source code if you actually have a subscription for the enterprise repository to be able to access them
and i'm sure there are enterprise-level features that make nice additions. your standard home user, for example, wouldn't need clustering, so features relating to clustering would not alter its functionality or capability of being production quality.
Yeah no. First, lots of our no-subscription users use clustering, even most home lab users got a smaller cluster.
Second, we find open-core models unnecessarily restrictive and bringing almost only disadvantages for both, the users and the developer. And finally, how do you think such a model would work if not with a much more closed set of repos with a totally different set of software than actually in the open git repos? Effectively, your proposal would make us go from 100% open source, which we're now, to a mixed semi-proprietary mess, and it wouldn't affect the "stableness/production readiness" of the open repos one bit, would be a good recipe for a lot of extra work with no benefit for either party though

Not gonna happen.