I'm a Proxmox newbie, but have QEMU experience. i just set up my first Proxmox VE (Ver 7.0-10) server, created a Windows VM and a Linux container. Everything is great. Unless I'm reading things wrong, I should be able to back up containers or VMs using the PVE backup facility. I have both a CIFS and NFS NAS unit that I can define as a PVE storage without any problem. However, when I attempt to create a backup job, the only storage option available is local, which consists of a two 1 TB drives in ZFS RAID1 configuration. I don't see an option to back up to the CIFS or NFS storage. I have also added a 4TB USB drive and formatted it as ZFS storage, but backup doesn't list that as an option either. Is something wrong or am I entirely misunderstanding the backup system?