if you realy realy know what you (and your colleages) do, you can use the same shared storage (but never ever use the same VMIDs on both clusters!!) - only usefull to migrate an cluster over an short time to an new cluster. This is not recomended, not supported an can be very dangerous!
1. scp the config on an VM to the new cluster - the VM appears in the GUI.
2. stop the VM on the old cluster - if stopped
3. power up the VM on the new cluster
4. Important: do not delete the VM on the old cluster - this will delete the VM-Disks too! remove the config in the cli (like "rm /etc/pve/qemu-server/xxx.conf")
You see, it's not so easy - will say, can be dangerous if you do an mistake! This is the reason why backup and restore is the official method.
But I migrate with this solution without trouble many VMs...