Last week pve-kernel 5.4.44 was released. I installed this and rebooted my machine (HP Microserver Gen8 running Proxmox 6.2).
A few hours later the system suddenly froze up completely and required a reboot. Nothing in the logs afterwards so probably a kernel panic?
This seemed to work fine for a while again, except ~20 hours later it happened yet again. Full freeze.
I rebooted the machine and chose the old kernel (5.4.41) which has always been working properly and has been for the past 7 days (after switching back from .44 to .41).
From git log it looks like this was changed between .41 and .44:
A few hours later the system suddenly froze up completely and required a reboot. Nothing in the logs afterwards so probably a kernel panic?
This seemed to work fine for a while again, except ~20 hours later it happened yet again. Full freeze.
I rebooted the machine and chose the old kernel (5.4.41) which has always been working properly and has been for the past 7 days (after switching back from .44 to .41).
From git log it looks like this was changed between .41 and .44: