ISO for proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-1


Renowned Member
Jun 2, 2015

I know that this topic was raised many times but can't find right answer.

I'm looking for proxmox-ve_4.4-eb2d6f1e-1.iso file. I've tried many times to download it from different sites but after download, the files are corrupted and can't be written to USB stick or even mount it.

Can you help me with this file?

Best Regards
4.4 is out of support since 2.5 years, please use current version ONLY.
4.4 is out of support since 2.5 years, please use current version ONLY.

I know that it is far away out of support. But I need it to my old cluster in which one member of cluster has to be replaced because of the hardware problems. Can you help me and give working ISO file of this version?

Best Regards
Please do not run such old versions, upgrade to latest version. We do not publish old ISO with well known security issues.
Please do not run such old versions, upgrade to latest version. We do not publish old ISO with well known security issues.
Tom, this cluster can't be upgraded, it is on network with no INET access, strict user access to. I use newest PROX VE clusters on several sites and as a SecOp I also know that systems need to be upgraded.
If you got a support agreement, the support team can probably arrange a download just for you.