IO error on virtual zfs drive after power loss

Did you already run a scrub on the PVE host to fix corrupted data? If it can'T fix it because you use a single disk or a stripe I would restore the last backup.
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Inside the VM:

root@vm2404:~# zpool import
pool: vdd
id: 4588309049495493978
state: FAULTED
status: The pool metadata is corrupted.
action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
The pool may be active on another system, but can be imported using
the '-f' flag.

vdd FAULTED corrupted data

root@vm2404:~# zpool scrub vdd
cannot open 'vdd': no such pool
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If it complains bitterly, you could try importing read-only, to rescue the data:
sudo zpool import -f -o readonly=on [poolname] -R /mnt/[poolname]
That's a good tip. I actually tried that but it failed. So far -FX is only thing that seems to work (it's still running.)
Apparantly the X and T are last option only.
So far I have only got one kernel error from zfs.
PANIC: zfs: adding existent segment to range tree.
So far so good. It's good to live in Hope (said the tape-worm.)
Oh, that error, yes, that's what I encountered. It would hard-lock the array, resulting in data loss, when the array was subjected to heavy writing.

Ultimately, I had to run the ZFS pool using the rescue option, then copy the entire VM from the pool to a specially bought external HDD chassis... [I had a VM running atop a ZFS mirror, so different situation, but same error.] I also had to ignore the RAM reporting itself as ok after testing, and replaced them with better quality, higher capacity ones. I also inserted a ZIL/Read cache device (enterprise grade) into the ZFS array, against advice, and brought it all under control. It does not run fast, but it runs very safely and without locking. [An enterprise-grade Samsung SSD combined with 8TB EXOS drives in a mirror.]
For those of you who will experience ZFS fun when import hang's or crashes... this might help you.
zpool import -o readonly=on -f POOLNAME
After trying dosens of different commands - that was the only command that worked for me... and I had to give that from live (kali) ISO image with latest zfstools installed.
After that I could read the pool and rsync -a subvol/disk to safety.