Installing Proxmox on iSCSI target


New Member
Jun 8, 2021

I followed the guide on the wiki at Proxmox ISCSI Installation, but instead of installing Debian Stretch I choosed to install Debian Buster in order to install Proxmox 6.4.
Following the guide is not hard and it works fine until the step where one should install the "pve-kernel"-package which doesnt exist for the Buster-version, instead the "proxmox-ve"-package is suggested to be installed. Which according to the guide should not be installed until later on following the guide.
Thus, skipping that and moving on until the step of "update-initramfs -u", nothing happens. The "initrd-" is not built. I don´t get any output from that command, nothing happens.
Has anyone followed the guide and got this to work with Proxmox 6.4?
So after first installing the Debian Buster to a iscsi-target and then following the guidelines for installing Proxmox on a Debian Buster installation, it now seems to work and my Proxmox installation runs of the iscsi target :).

I do have some package being retained, or noted as not being able to being installed:
"grub-common", "grub-efi-amd64", "grub-efi-amd64-bin" and "grub2-common".
Any ideas as to why they (after installing proxmox) are being noted as such?

Thank you for your help!
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Probably because you used "apt upgrade" -- ALWAYS use apt full-upgrade or pveupgrade on a PVE host so that dependency checking will occur.
Thank you!
The apt full-upgrade removed error stated by apt. (Nothing was done by pveupdate.)