Increase the FPS of the console


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
I'm looking for the best configuration to maximize graphics performance in the console.

For now the best performance increase I have obtained by increasing the amount of memory dedicated to the display, the type of display does not seem to make a big difference.

The biggest problem is the frame rate.
From all the tests I have done I have not been able to have an acceptable frame rate for a workstation.

Please do not reply by saying to use RDP, I cannot use this protocol because I need not to drop the connection while restarting the virtual machine.
And if there is a way to use the RDP to remotely view the console, in reality, it would be perfect.

In summary, is it possible to increase the FPS of the console?
With SPICE you are forced to use a client, right?

However, from the tests I made using SPICE the situation does not improve at all and also there is always a misalignment of the mouse which makes it very difficult to interact with the VM.