Import OVA over Webinterface?


Active Member
Jan 27, 2020

been using Proxmox for quite some time now on my Homeserver and starting to look in to the possibility to use it at work too.
While testing through "the others", importing OVAs is quite a bit easier on them, compared to Proxmox.

Is something like that planned for the future?

OVA files can be too big to upload via a browser web interface, therefor its just technically no possible/reliable.
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Thank you for the answer.

Okay, i mean - uploading it to a share or something like that wouldn't be a problem. The importing thing is the bigger "issue".
Could it be possible to import an OVA File that is already in the same directory like for example templates, ISOs and the likes? That would also be pretty awesome.
(basically a GUI equivalent to "tar xvf XYZ.ova" and "qm importovf 100 XYZ.ovf local-zfs" - maybe even combined)
one of our devs is currently working on improvements here, mostly documentation but maybe he can add more.
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I would love a feature to add OVA/QCOW2 images and then deploy a VM from it. It should work the same way ISO's are. You upload it to the repo (ftp, web UI, etc) and then deploy from the images. Is this still being developed?
Generally, the best place for feature requests is However, for this special case this is not necessary because
Is this still being developed?
this is true.