Import OVA or Virtual Image


New Member
Aug 24, 2022
Is there step by step instructions/video on how to import ova and or virtual images?
Yes, I searched google. However, none of the guidance provided worked. I will continue searching.
did you try google? Put this in the search box "proxmox import ova".
After you receive the results, there are a few links on top "all,videos,images,news". There are at least 600 videos for those search keys.

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ironically, this thread is the first result for "import ova to proxmox"
yup I ended up here because i DID google. 2nd result

qm importovf <vmid> <ovf-file>.ovf <datastore>

To add to the wiki page: If you have an OVA and not an OVF, you can just extract the OVA into its constituent files.
its just a tar ball so tar -xf <ova_file>.ova will work
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as this thread is now at the top of google results, I updated my original reply with links to multiple guides.
If you still have issues after going through the resources, please post the commands you tried and output you received. Please use CODE tags for readability.

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