I have 2 containers one privileged and another unprivileged both have the same configuration on
They both start if the NFS storage is available. However, when NFS storage is not available, the unprivileged container fails to start and the privileged starts but never connects to the NFS storage once it has connection.
The first container, privileged container, has the following configuration on
The problem is that when the 192.168.1.x is not available on container startup, it will never retry once is available. Therefore, I have to restart it to have access to the NFS.
The second container which is unprivileged, does not start when there is no connection to the NFS storage.
In this container, I can see the mount points under resources (container interface).
What am I doing wrong?
I just want the container to start even if there is no connection to the NFS, and when the connection is once again established reconnect to it.
I have 2 containers one privileged and another unprivileged both have the same configuration on
They both start if the NFS storage is available. However, when NFS storage is not available, the unprivileged container fails to start and the privileged starts but never connects to the NFS storage once it has connection.
The first container, privileged container, has the following configuration on
//192.168.1.X/media /mnt/Media cifs username=username,password=password
h,uid=998,gid=998,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
//192.168.1.X/media2 /mnt/Media2 cifs username=username,password=password,uid=998,gid=998,
file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0
The problem is that when the 192.168.1.x is not available on container startup, it will never retry once is available. Therefore, I have to restart it to have access to the NFS.
The second container which is unprivileged, does not start when there is no connection to the NFS storage.
In this container, I can see the mount points under resources (container interface).
What am I doing wrong?
I just want the container to start even if there is no connection to the NFS, and when the connection is once again established reconnect to it.