The current progress output uses bytes whih is very difficult to read. Example:
Suggestion: Use Megabytes everywhere (preferred) or dynamic human readble numbers (K=Kilo, M=Mega, G=Giga) and/or use thousend separators. Examples:
progress 3% (read 3544186880 bytes, zeroes = 1% (54525952 bytes), duration 69 sec)
Suggestion: Use Megabytes everywhere (preferred) or dynamic human readble numbers (K=Kilo, M=Mega, G=Giga) and/or use thousend separators. Examples:
progress 3% (read 3,544,186,880 bytes, zeroes = 1% (54,525,952 bytes), duration 69 sec)
progress 3% (read 3380 Mbytes, zeroes = 1% (52 Mbytes), duration 69 sec)
progress 3% (read 3,380 Mbytes, zeroes = 1% (52 Mbytes), duration 69 sec)
progress 3% (read 3.3 Gbytes, zeroes = 1% (52 Mbytes), duration 69 sec)