I'm running proxmox 6, fully up to date. (pve-manager/6.4-13/9f411e79 (running kernel: 5.4.157-1-pve)
When trying to use the API to deploy VMs using terraform using an API key, I get this error from Terraform:
Verbose logs don't provide any more clarification over "HTTP/1.1 596 tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed". I get this error from proxmox regardless of whether I'm doing certificate verification as well as regardless of what kind of certificate is in use.
Checking the pveproxy/access.log I see this associated with the request:
Correlated syslog indicates:
The above directory doesn't exist. However, the short DNS name does:
Thinking I'm clever, I attempted a symlink to see if that'd fix it, but due to it being a fuse filesystem it fails:
I can't seem to find in the UI how or where I can adjust whatever is needed to be adjusted to remedy this problem.
When trying to use the API to deploy VMs using terraform using an API key, I get this error from Terraform:
Error: error creating LXC container: 596 tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed, error status: (params: {"arch":"amd64","cmode":"tty","console":true,"cores":4,"cpulimit":0,"cpuunits":1024,"features":"","hostname":"tf-hs-1","memory":4098,"net0":"bridge=vmbr0,name=eth0,ip6=manual,gw=,ip=","onboot":false,"ostemplate":"local:packages/centos-7-default_20160205_amd64.tar.xz","password":"password123","protection":false,"rootfs":"valhalla-vms:8","start":true,"storage":"local","swap":512,"tags":"","tty":2,"unique":true,"unprivileged":true,"vmid":143})
│ with proxmox_lxc.cluster[0],
│ on main.tf line 23, in resource "proxmox_lxc" "cluster":
│ 23: resource "proxmox_lxc" "cluster" {
Verbose logs don't provide any more clarification over "HTTP/1.1 596 tls_process_server_certificate: certificate verify failed". I get this error from proxmox regardless of whether I'm doing certificate verification as well as regardless of what kind of certificate is in use.
Checking the pveproxy/access.log I see this associated with the request:
::ffff: - terraform@pam!terraform [29/12/2021:21:55:35 -0700] "GET /api2/json/cluster/nextid HTTP/1.1" 200 14
::ffff: - terraform@pam!terraform [29/12/2021:21:55:35 -0700] "POST /api2/json/nodes/bastion.my.domain.net/lxc HTTP/1.1" 596 -
Correlated syslog indicates:
Dec 29 21:55:35 bastion pveproxy[3576]: '/etc/pve/nodes/bastion.my.domain.net/pve-ssl.pem' does not exist!#012
Dec 29 21:55:35 bastion pveproxy[3576]: Could not verify remote node certificate 'E4:8A:15:16:B4:15:62:F6:6C:CC:DF:43:2E:6E:9F:E5:11:D6:9F:F3:37:50:B1:F5:17:9A:B1:A3:07:CB:06:36' with list of pinned certificates, refreshing cache
The above directory doesn't exist. However, the short DNS name does:
# ls /etc/pve/nodes/
bastion kismet hercules mora
Thinking I'm clever, I attempted a symlink to see if that'd fix it, but due to it being a fuse filesystem it fails:
$ sudo ln -s bastion.my.domain.net bastion
ln: failed to create symbolic link 'bastion/bastion.my.domain.net': Function not implemented
I can't seem to find in the UI how or where I can adjust whatever is needed to be adjusted to remedy this problem.