How to shutdown properly a 3 node cluster


Renowned Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hello, tonight for work scheduled by the power company I will have to turn off my 3-node proxmox cluster. There is no high availability, but my fear is that in the poweroff of the second node some inconsistency with fencing may occur. I have searched the forum and wiki but the correct procedure is not very clear to me. What directions to follow ? Thank you

so you don't have any resources that are maintained by the HA manager? What does ha-manager status report?

If there aren't any resources under HA manager, and you haven't used it at all, turning of the cluster should just be like turning off any oder Linux server really. You can just shut down each node one after another (making sure of course that you shut down your VMs etc. properly too and so on)
so you don't have any resources that are maintained by the HA manager? What does ha-manager status report?

Hello, thank you. I don't have HA, here is ha-manager status:

ha-manager status
quorum OK

My worry is because I had a previous reboot of 2/3 nodes when I was doing a massive restore of 2 vm on pve3 node. They rebooted at the same time, even if I had them on a separate 1gb ethernet switch and network, so I was trying to understand if there is a problem about nodes availabilty shutting down pve3 .. pve2.. in sequence, for example. And then pve1 which is my main server.

Thank you
Well the default HA shutdown policy is “Conditional” [1]. It detects that a shutdown occurs and will migrate managed services, but that shouldn't matter in your case, as you have no HA managed services.

In regard to fencing: If you shut down the nodes in order, you may find that the last node that is up can't find a quorum anymore, as there is only one node left. So there can't be a majority of nodes that makes a decision. You can avoid that by simply turning the last two nodes off at more or less the same time, though.
