our customer have email accounts in our mailserver which are first filtered via Proxmox mail gateway server, but they also have mailman https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/ mailing list within same domain.
So every night when Proxmox mail gateway sends "Daily Spam Report" to each user, it comes from unknown sender for mailing list and it will be send to mailing list admin to check it, which we don't wan't.
And you can't disable "Daily Spam Report" just for 1 domain/user ? It's server wide setup.
How to fix that, cannot blacklist sender address because we use our company address as a sender for those reports.
In mailserver, there is not any real mailbox for that mailing list address that we could add some subject rule to delete those messages, there is only email-forward list@domain.com -> mailman server.
our customer have email accounts in our mailserver which are first filtered via Proxmox mail gateway server, but they also have mailman https://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/ mailing list within same domain.
So every night when Proxmox mail gateway sends "Daily Spam Report" to each user, it comes from unknown sender for mailing list and it will be send to mailing list admin to check it, which we don't wan't.
And you can't disable "Daily Spam Report" just for 1 domain/user ? It's server wide setup.
How to fix that, cannot blacklist sender address because we use our company address as a sender for those reports.
In mailserver, there is not any real mailbox for that mailing list address that we could add some subject rule to delete those messages, there is only email-forward list@domain.com -> mailman server.