[SOLVED] how to create a zfs on Datacentre

ZFS is a local storage, not a shared one. So if the storage is only available on the node sda-pc, you have to limit it to that node in the Datacenter -> Storage -> zfsSSD options.
ZFS is a local storage, not a shared one. So if the storage is only available on the node sda-pc, you have to limit it to that node in the Datacenter -> Storage -> zfsSSD options
But I want to give shared to all nodes
But I want to give shared to all nodes
That is not how ZFS works. As far as I understand, if you want to use ZFS on all nodes, each node needs a own ZFS pool with the same name and then you use replication to sync them so each pool stores the same data. But thats not really "shared" because each node uses its own local ZFS pool.

If you really want a shared storage you might want to try ceph or run NFS ontop of ZFS.
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If you want to have the same storage place for all your hosts (for high availability or online migration), you must have a shared storage (https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Storage) :
- a simple NAS running NFS share or SMB share (poor performance), this NAS is connected to the same physical network with your Proxmox hosts
- a SAN/NAS running iSCSI (good performance if your network is good) connected to a dedicated network with your Proxmox hosts
- a Ceph cluster for huge space shared (good dedicated network ...)
If you can't have a NAS or SAN (or a computer giving the same service), you can use replication with ZFS but you will loose a lot of hard disk space compared with shared device.

Indeed what do you want to do ?
Are you sure you need shared storage ?

Proxmox is not a NFS Server.
As Proxmox is Debian based, you can easily install a NFS Server in the Debian part (but in the shell, not with Proxmox GUI) and you can access to your NFS shares from all your host ... so your project is "technically" possible only with your 2 Proxmox hosts.
But Proxmox hosts are not made for this ...
Shared storage are made not to be in on the Proxmox hosts themselves.
Il you loose the host that is NFS Server, you loose all.
A NAS would be a better way as far as I'm concerned. Nearly all the NAS can do NFS shared, and sometimes iSCSI (Synology) ...
each node needs a own ZFS pool with the same name
and so my actions?
1. create ZFS pool on node "pve" with the same name
2. then.....? don't know
3. set up replication
create ZFS pool on both the node with the same name
then setup replication

Procedure has been detailed yet in another post :

Enjoy Proxmox !

If you want to restart from scratch:

Node1 -> Disks -> ZFS -> Create: ZFS
Make sure that "Add Storage" is ticked.
It should appear in Disks -> ZFS and in the Resource Tree on the left.

Node2 -> Disks -> ZFS -> Create: ZFS
Make sure that

  1. the name equals the one in Node1
  2. "Add Storage is not ticked.
It should appear in Disks -> ZFS only.

Additionally, an entry was created in Datacenter -> Storage. Edit this entry and add Node2. The ZSF pool should now appear as storage for Node2 in the Resource Tree aswell.
In my case:
Node1 - sda-pc
Node2 - pve

but on "pve" i don't created disk for zpool
do you think it is necessary to make such a disc?

on "pve" i have raid10 and all space to Proxmox
will the gparted utility help in this case?

or is it better to insert one more disk into the server?
This doesn't work if you don't have a zpool with the same name available on both nodes. Storage replication requires that.
If all your storage is on one node, you'll have to use something else to make it available on the other node.