how to activate IOMMU with UEFI ?


Renowned Member
Jan 20, 2016

When I follow those steps ( IOMMU works well if

1st test:
I install proxmox, on a smaller disk and it boot without UEFI

2nd test:
when I manually add intel_iommu=on through the grub, before booting

While it seams obvious I have to update the grub, but neither the command
update-initramfs -u -k all or update-grub do the job.

I would like to understand how to update the UEFI config on Proxmox

first screenshot is booting from UEFI without intervention at the grub

second screenshot is booting from UEFI with intervention at the grub
Is this happening because you followed ZFS: Switch Legacy-Boot to Proxmox Boot Tool ?
This HOWTO is meant for legacy-booted systems, with root on ZFS, installed using a Proxmox VE ISO between 5.4 and 6.3, and which are booted using grub.

You will not need this if any of the following points are true:
  • System installed using Proxmox VE ISO 6.4 or later
  • System uses UEFI to boot and was installed in UEFI mode
  • System is not using ZFS as the root filesystem

I have ZFS on root setup using Started/Debian/Debian Bookworm Root on ZFS.html with EFI boot from grub on separate partition & pool.
Bullet #2 says I do not need to follow the switch procedure to pve-efiboot-tool.

See also
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