I do not want to delete or move my existing VM, as they are over 20 in each.Our reference documentation has a section about this topic: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#_remove_a_cluster_node
in the documentation. Just leave them there. They will not magically move.Move all virtual machines from the node.
I tried it - https://prnt.sc/tmop10In this case you can ignore the first sentence
in the documentation. Just leave them there. They will not magically move.
The rest of the documentation is still a way to dissolve the cluster completely. I tried this 5 minutes ago on a 4 node cluster and now have 4 standalone nodes with no guest moved. Make sure to also read "5.5.1. Separate A Node Without Reinstalling".
pvecm status
, does it say something like the following?pvecm status
Error: Corosync config '/etc/pve/corosync.conf' does not exist - is this node part of a cluster?
As the configuration files from the other nodes are still in the cluster filesystem you may want to clean those up too. Remove simply the whole directory recursive from /etc/pve/nodes/NODENAME, but check three times that you used the correct one before deleting it.
When you trypvecm status
, does it say something like the following?
Code:pvecm status Error: Corosync config '/etc/pve/corosync.conf' does not exist - is this node part of a cluster?
Did you delete the folders /etc/pve/nodes/NAME_OF_OTHER_NODE?