Host Disk Migration


Dec 20, 2022
Id like to swap the disk, that Proxmox runs on, in my installation.

I found these two links:

1. - Indicates that PBS still cant backup PVE config. Is this still true? Perhaps that bits out of date? I did peruse the patch notes there and dint see that to be the case; taking second opinions.
2. - Seems i would just want to grab the etc/pve location to restore on a clean install?

My setup:
1 system with 1 sata ssd (proxmox here); 4 nvme zfs set with all the vms and such.
Not a lot of configuration done (no SDN, no jobs, no containers, no cert+DNS name setup ((yet))).
I do have a second light system (a Proxmox vm on and differnt physcal box with bhyve for testing upgrades) that i could use to make a PVE cluster; if that would help.

I can just drop (read: unplug data cable) the sata ssd that currently runs Proxmox
pop-in the new ssd's
install on new ssd
??? restore etc/pve? - i dont have much, would this actually matter?
??? import the zfs pool - if i restore the etc/pve, that would cover the need to import?
take over the world

If i skipped the etc/pve restore and just imported the zfs, I would need to recreate all the VMs and point at the existing disk objects?