First of all, i apologize if these questions have already been answered, but i did not found the answers in the forum search.
We have a Proxmox Cluster and we only use KVM and all Virtual Machines have FreeBSD as guests. We have two types of backups. Outside the guests, we have daily Proxmox Backups. Inside the guests, we have custom scripts doing hourly ZFS snapshots.
These two types of Backups are sent to a Backup server in the Datacenter and one time per day, they are replicated to 3 machines outside the Datacenter.
In the custom ZFS sanpshots scripts and in the replication tasks we use pre and post scripts. One example: Pre-replication task to the outside Backup Servers, we wake up those machines. In the end of the replication, those machines are shutdown.
I tested the Beta Proxmox Backup Server but i could not found support for "Hook scripts". So the first question is:
Thanks in advance.
First of all, i apologize if these questions have already been answered, but i did not found the answers in the forum search.
We have a Proxmox Cluster and we only use KVM and all Virtual Machines have FreeBSD as guests. We have two types of backups. Outside the guests, we have daily Proxmox Backups. Inside the guests, we have custom scripts doing hourly ZFS snapshots.
These two types of Backups are sent to a Backup server in the Datacenter and one time per day, they are replicated to 3 machines outside the Datacenter.
In the custom ZFS sanpshots scripts and in the replication tasks we use pre and post scripts. One example: Pre-replication task to the outside Backup Servers, we wake up those machines. In the end of the replication, those machines are shutdown.
I tested the Beta Proxmox Backup Server but i could not found support for "Hook scripts". So the first question is:
- Are there any plans to support "hook Scripts" in the Proxmox Backup Client and in the Tasks created in the Proxmox Backup Server?
- Are there any plans to make a native Proxmox Backup Client for FreeBSD and other BSDs?
- The ports of "qemu-guest-agent" to FreeBSD don't support "guest-fsfreeze-freeze" and "guest-fsfreeze-thaw". Would it be risky to use the Proxmox Backup Client to do Backups of the virtual machines from the Proxmox Host?
- Are there any details about the licensing of this product? Prices, versions, features, limitations, etc? I don't know if I should test more this product, without knowing any detail about the licensing.
Thanks in advance.