High load in all proxmox containers


Active Member
Jul 25, 2019

I was trying to create more container machines in Proxmox

And have noticed the server load is increasing in each container machines irrespective of assigned core

Its look same load in all containers

When I trying to point apache servers(which we have 200 client at a time ) the load is increased up to 124 in all container machines, I am wondering how the same is happening for all my machines

because of how load average is implemented in lxcfs, there isn't a way to completely separate the containers since they use the host kernel. some tools will use syscalls to gather this information, and since the syscalls are answered by the (host) kernel, they end up getting the same values.

there is however, an option called loadavg which can allow some level of separation for the average load values, although it's not a full solution. you can enable this with the -l option on lxcfs, if you edit /lib/systemd/system/lxcfs.service and add the flag to ExecStart line and restart the service and all containers.

I think better to choose VMs

We have a Proxmox running machine (with 1TB SSD, core 32 and 48 GB RAM)

I can see the option like socket and core while creating VMs, currently, I am choosing 2 sockets and 2 core for single and I assume 8 will be maximum VMs I can create from this Proxmox Server.

Also not sure I can utilize full resources form base machine
I think better to choose VMs

if you want full separation between guests, then KVM is the better option.

Also not sure I can utilize full resources form base machine

you should leave a decent amount to the hypervisor, otherwise you'll run into problems.

As we discussed I have created VMs instead of containers but I am getting the high load in servers

my server has apache running and noticed high load when compared to my old machine i have given 6 core but its looks no changes if we increase the number of core

I am getting the following error

grep unsupported /var/log/messages
Nov 12 06:34:44 kernel: Performance Events: unsupported Netburst CPU model 6 no PMU driver, software events only.
Nov 13 06:44:34 kernel: Performance Events: unsupported Netburst CPU model 6 no PMU driver, software events only.
Nov 13 13:08:35 kernel: Performance Events: unsupported Netburst CPU model 6 no PMU driver, software events only.