I run OPNsense as a FW, I have a 4xPort lacp to my main switch also 4xPorts lacp which all my Vlans go through. from my switch to my proxmox server I have a 2xPort lacp.
I cant get Internet access or ping any other Vlans/devices from Container or VMs that are not on the main proxmox-mgm network. but from proxmox to any other vlan I can ping and get a response.
after creating a container and setting the IP of that container to my DMZ-network, I have no Internet or interVlan connection.
My main goal here is to have Caddy-reverseproxy running on my DMZ exposed so I can reach it from outside my LAN, and caddy will serve me the few services I want on my on my proxmox lan.(i'm trying to minnimize the risk with only exposing one IP address and port which go trough a cloudflare proxy.
test container network config:
this is my Proxmox network config:
I'm sure this must be user error, any help you can give me to get this working would be greatly appreciated.
I cant get Internet access or ping any other Vlans/devices from Container or VMs that are not on the main proxmox-mgm network. but from proxmox to any other vlan I can ping and get a response.
after creating a container and setting the IP of that container to my DMZ-network, I have no Internet or interVlan connection.
My main goal here is to have Caddy-reverseproxy running on my DMZ exposed so I can reach it from outside my LAN, and caddy will serve me the few services I want on my on my proxmox lan.(i'm trying to minnimize the risk with only exposing one IP address and port which go trough a cloudflare proxy.
test container network config:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
this is my Proxmox network config:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eno1 inet manual
iface eno2 inet manual
iface eno3 inet manual
iface eno4 inet manual
iface eno49 inet manual
iface eno50 inet manual
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static manual
bond-slaves eno50 eno49
bond-miimon 100
bond-mode 802.3ad
bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+3
bond-mode balance-rr
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
bridge-ports bond0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4090
auto vmbr0.200
iface vmbr0.200 inet static
auto vmbr0.10
iface vmbr0.10 inet static
auto vmbr0.20
iface vmbr0.20 inet static
auto vmbr0.30
iface vmbr0.30 inet static
#vlan 30
auto vmbr0.40
iface vmbr0.40 inet static
auto vmbr0.99
iface vmbr0.99 inet static
auto vmbr0.100
iface vmbr0.100 inet static
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
I'm sure this must be user error, any help you can give me to get this working would be greatly appreciated.