HD-IDLE not logging spindowns/ups to syslog


New Member
Dec 23, 2023
Hello all,

recently I migrated from Proxmox 6.4 to a new server running Proxmox 8.1.3.. I am using HD-IDLE to spin some hdds down. HD-IDLE spins the hdds down as expected, but I am missing the "spindown"/"spinup" messages in syslog. Messages regarding the service status are logged correctly in syslog.

# cat /etc/default/hd-idle | grep -v "^#"
HD_IDLE_OPTS="-i 0 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_REDACTED -i 900 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_REDACTED -i 900 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_REDACTED -i 900 -a /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_REDACTED -i 900 -l /var/log/hd-idle.log"

# journalctl -u hd-idle.service
Dec 03 18:08:20 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Starting hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks...
Dec 03 18:08:20 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[27868]: usage: hd-idle [-t <disk>] [-a <name>] [-i <idle_time>] [-l <logfile>] [-d] [-h]
Dec 03 18:08:20 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: hd-idle.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dec 03 18:08:20 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Started hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks.
Dec 03 18:32:10 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Starting hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks...
Dec 03 18:32:10 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Started hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks.
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Stopping hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks...
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: hd-idle.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Stopped hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks.
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: hd-idle.service: Consumed 5.672s CPU time.
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Starting hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks...
Dec 23 03:46:09 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME systemd[1]: Started hd-idle.service - hd-idle - spin down idle hard disks.

# tail /var/log/hd-idle.log
date: 2023-12-23, time: 06:25:58, disk: sdd, running: 1003, stopped: 7126
date: 2023-12-23, time: 06:26:03, disk: sdb, running: 1001, stopped: 7128
date: 2023-12-23, time: 12:50:10, disk: sda, running: 920, stopped: 22142
date: 2023-12-23, time: 12:50:15, disk: sdc, running: 916, stopped: 22146
date: 2023-12-23, time: 12:50:16, disk: sdd, running: 911, stopped: 22147
date: 2023-12-23, time: 12:50:17, disk: sdb, running: 907, stopped: 22147
date: 2023-12-23, time: 18:51:34, disk: sdd, running: 901, stopped: 2521
date: 2023-12-23, time: 18:51:38, disk: sdb, running: 901, stopped: 2525
date: 2023-12-23, time: 18:53:11, disk: sda, running: 900, stopped: 2619
date: 2023-12-23, time: 18:53:14, disk: sdc, running: 900, stopped: 2622

When I start hd-idle in debug mode (not as service), the spindown/spinmessages are shown:
probing sdg: reads: 6632332, writes: 575895968
probing sdh: reads: 506074160, writes: 3248979200
probing sdi: reads: 506046872, writes: 3248979200
probing sda: reads: 68943217, writes: 14386396
spindown: sda
probing sdc: reads: 69076518, writes: 14418804
spindown: sdc
probing sdd: reads: 68623593, writes: 14367052
spindown: sdd
probing sdb: reads: 70055208, writes: 14390268
spindown: sdb
probing sde: reads: 96520754, writes: 166592400
probing sdf: reads: 6765444, writes: 575923496
probing sdg: reads: 6632332, writes: 575923496
probing sdh: reads: 506075600, writes: 3249142472
probing sdi: reads: 506048184, writes: 3249142472

On the old server were entries like this in daemon.log and in syslog:
Nov 25 21:29:05 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdc spindown
Nov 25 21:29:05 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sda spindown
Nov 25 21:29:06 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdb spindown
Nov 25 21:29:06 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdd spindown
Nov 25 22:28:07 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdc spinup
Nov 25 22:28:07 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sda spinup
Nov 25 22:28:07 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdb spinup
Nov 25 22:28:07 REDACTED-SERVER-NAME hd-idle[5686]: sdd spinup

/etc/default/hd-idle is the same as on the old server, deployed via salt-stack.

Is anyone using hd-idle on Proxmox 8.1.3 and seeing the spindown messages in syslog?
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Reactions: amk316
I deployed it last night working ok but nothing in logs.
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