This post is a modification of a tutorial I used to get Realtek 8125 drivers installed on proxmox.
- Ensure you have 2 USB’s, one for Proxmox and the other for the driver. You will also need an android for this to work.
- Download the driver from this link and put it on a USB:
- When you boot up Proxmox spam (f10) to go into advanced boot options – choose to boot into debug mode.
- Press ctrl+d to proceed to a terminal where you can install the driver
- Type “ip addr show” to see the different ethernet interfaces on your system.
- Plug in your android to your PC, in your android settings look up tethering. You should see an option to enable tethering.
- Type “ip addr show” again and you should see an extra ethernet interface – that is the one you will connect to (that’s your phone)
- Type in “Ip like set enp####### up” replace enp####### with your phone interface.
- Type “dhclient enm#######” replace enm####### with your phone interface.
- 10 - C: At this point, test the connection by using the following command “ping” you can use ctrl+c to stop the pinging.
- At this point If you cannot connect to the internet do the following.
- Ensure your device is plugged in.
- Use the command “ip link set enp###### down” for all interfaces that are NOT your phone. In my case vmbr0 was the issue.
- Change permission on tmp: “chmod 777 /tmp”
- Edit the sources folder: “nano /etc/apt/sources.list” and type the following into the file: deb [trusted=yes] buster pve-no-subscription
- Exit out of the editor with ctrl+x
- Try updating the repositories: “apt update”
- If you receive an error regarding the updating of the repos not being available for another XXXX minutes try the following command:
- sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -o Acquire::Check-Date=false update
- install build essentionl: “apt install build-essential”
- install dkms “apt install dkms”
- mount your usb drive – you can find the usb drive with “fdisk -l”, look for a drive that will contain your driver. Mount with the following format “mount /dev/sd## /mnt/”
- note that the ## will be unique to your drive.
- Navigate to the mount location “cd /mnt/” and list the files with “ls” – If you do not see the drivers, you mounted the drive incorrectly.
- Attempt to install the dvires with “dpkg -i NAME_OF_DRIVER_DEB_FILE”
- The drivers will not install properly, rather you will be prompted that a “pve-header” is not installed.
- Install the pve-header version specified. For the purposes of this tutorial, lets assume the command is “apt install pve-headers-5.4.73-1-pve” YOUR VERSION MAY DIFFER.
- At this point the drivers are installed. Set your phone ethernet interface to “Ip like set enp####### down”. Turn off USB tethering for your phone.
- Use steps 5 – 9 to connect to the new interface (your Realtek port)
- Type ctrl+d to resume installation.
- After the installation is complete you will need to do steps 1 – 24 again – after that you should be set to go.
- In the event that, after install proxmox you are not able to connect to the internet via USB tethering refer to step 10 – c.
- After all interfaces are down try the following command to stop your network services “/etc/init.d/networking stop”
- After this point I am unsure how I get things to work, try connecting now. If you cant set “/etc/init.d/networking start” and try again.